
The Odd Moslem (Finding The Beauty Of Islam)

The Odd Moslem
(Finding the Beauty of Islam)

By. Riyan Al Fajri

            In last 10 years, we all knew that Moslem had bad face for a while In international. Starting in the middle of 2001 when WTC attacked by a plane, Islam as a religion condemned for this thing. Some people missed the important thing. They got afraid with the “Faithful” Moslem, I mean Moslem whose have beard and no Isbal Pant. Some people though negatively to them. It’s a part of unfair life. Because of “Al Qaeda”, Islam is Condemned, and it happened in Indonesia, our beloved Country, Country that consist Islam as Majority Religion, too.
            This International’s Issue affected some people in Indonesia. There’s an odd phenomenon. “Moslem get afraid to other Moslem”. If we read the last sentence, it will be funny. How can a Moslem get afraid to the other in another hand they are a Moslem? It’s a kind of effect of that issue.
            As Moslem, we need to open our eyes.
Hadits Rowahu Nukman bin Basyir RA, he said, Rasulullah SAW said, “Imagery of Faithful Moslem in Love each other is like a Body. If there’s a part of it getting sick, every part of Body feel sick too. (Shahih Muslim No. 4685)
A Man isn’t Faithful till he love his brother like he love his own self.”(HR. Bukhari)
God command us to love each other. But in fact, we get afraid each other. Why? Let’s see.

First, Our national constitution.
This country based on Pancasila. In the first point of Pancasila is “Ketuhanan yang maha esa.” What does it mean? Every people is in this country no matter whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever you are, they need having God. And do every rule that god wanna. But in fact, we may have a god. But the god that we have is only in KTP. We may be a Moslem that believe Allah is the Only God. But some people or we can say Many People just make “Allah” as a symbol for KTP identity. So what do we see in this case? Our people have low understanding in Religion. So this kind of scare, it’s possible. So let’s ask. How are million Moslem in Indonesia? We may say almost 200 million people. It’s amazing. But let’s ask again? How many people do always read Al Quran after praying? Oh, we can hide our face and say, “I think just for 100 Million.” Oh my lord. Now, let’s ask again. How many people of this 100 million understand with everything he read? Oh, I can imagine what you will answer. 10 million? 5 million? Or just a million people?
There’s just a few people who understand about Islam. It make sense that religion is not important. So I wanna say, it’s impossible make it every Moslem trust each other again because every Moslem that have known about this issue will protect his life from “Beard and No isbal Moslem”.

Second, Western’s Propaganda.
            Please, ask yourself. Who are the terrorists? I guess, most of us will answer “Al Qaeda” or “Taliban” or “Khadafi”. Why? Because Western (read: USA) create this kind of perception. Please, open our eyes. They are Moslem. They are a tread for them (read: USA). Because of its, they told to the world and make wrong perception that Al Qaeda or Taliban or Khadafi is Terrorists. They wanna make the groups hated by every people in this world. Of course, USA was afraid of Moslem United. So they broke this community with every way that they can do. Give your attention. Where’s the War area of Al Qaeda? Iraq. What do USA in Iraq? Take the Iraq Independency and take their Oil. Ok. Let’s see Taliban. Where’s Taliban? Afghanistan. Taliban is a groups of troop that fight to Soviet for Afghanistan Independency. Now, what’s happened? Taliban is a tread for USA. They attacked Afghanistan with reason “wanna destroy Taliban” but actually they kill many civilian. So who should be called “Terrorist”?
            Answer by your own self.

Local Terrorist
            We have heard from news that there is a bomb attack in Jakarta and some cities in Indonesia. This treatment was given by misunderstanding man about Islam. They used some Moslem stuff. Like Peci, Moslem T-Shirt, exc. Many people will think, every people that use Moslem stuff in daily is dangerous. Why? They use same thing with local terrorist. It will be funny. But it’s real.
            This Local terrorist make a big fault. They think, “they are good Moslem.” But in fact, they are not. They kill people. And someone that kill Moslem is not a faithful man. Because Islam forbid kill people although in 3 thing.
From 'Aisyah Radliyallaahu 'anhu that Rasulullah Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said: "it’s not Halal kill a moslem except one of 3 problem: A man had been married then he get free sex, he get rajam, a Man who kill Moslem unreason, he was killed,  a Man that Murtad from Islam then fight to Allah and Rasul, he was killed …….." (HR Abu Dawud dan Nasa'I, shahih according Hakim)
Let’s see the other hadits.
If Among 2 Man happen killing each other, the killer and the killed entry to Hell. The brother ask, “that’s for the killer. So how about the Killed?”. Rasul said, “ The Killed also try to kill his friend (HR. Bukhari)
Not Only killing Moslem is forbidden but also Killing non-Moslem is forbidden too.
From Abdullah Ibnu Umar Radliyallaahu 'anhu That Rasulullah Shallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam Said: “For those kill Kafir Mu’ahad (kafir has been in Appointment with Moslem), he will not smell the Heaven. And The smell of Heaven can be smelled from walking distant for 40 years.” (HR  Bukhari)
They are false. They missed this Hadits.

What I am talking about is because of 3 things that I explain before, Moslem get afraid to another Moslem. We need to change our mind. Because we are Moslem. Remember. Islam is the most beautiful religion in this world. No religion have a great Holy Book like Al Quran. In this Al Quran, there are many sources of life basic. And of course, Hadits, the other explanation of sunnah Rasul.
            Find out! How beautiful Islam is. Islam determine what you may do and you may not. For Examples: Islam teach us how to clean us, How to get healthy sex, how to find a good couple, how to find our self, how to protect our own self, exc. Islam also teach us about medicine.
            “There is a health in the Black Jintan for every illness except death” (HR Bukhari)
“Then eat from every fruits then take a walking in your God’s way. Then from the stomach of Bee will release a drink which has variations of colors, in which located a medicine that can able to recover health. Actually, in that thing, it’s stay a sign (Allah) for human who thought.” [QS An-Nahl : 69)
In first explanation, I’ve told that no faithful man except he love his brother like he love his self. It’s the beauty of Islam brotherhood.
Well, There’s much the beauty of Islam. You can find out from Al Quran and Hadits. Everything that you heard about “Condemnation of Islam” is false. Islam is not guilty. The guilty is someone that do bad thing. They didn’t know about Islam at all. If they know, they never do the bad thing. So change our mind. Do not be Afraid to another Moslem. We are family. We need build a brotherhood. To save the world. To save our family. To save us. With Love in the way of Allah.


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